
Monday, July 14, 2014

TPT conference = Awesome!!! Thank you!

The TeachersPayTeachers conference was awesome!  After many hours of sleep and then a very lazy day yesterday, I'm finally feeling like I'm ready to get something done again.  I thought I'd post some of the highlights here with more detail coming in future posts.  I still haven't totally unpacked, I desperately need to run laundry, the milk is past it's expiration date, and there's NO COFFEE!!  Grocery store trip must happen soon.  Gee whiz -- I was only gone 5 days!

First of all, there are some major thank yous I need to share:

Thank you to Kirsten for watching my house and dog while we were away.  You are the best!!

Thank you to TPT for arranging this conference for us!  I'm so glad I went!

Thank you to all the presenters!  I only got to go to 4 sessions, but wished I had been able to attend them all.  Thank you for your generosity in sharing your knowledge and ideas.

Thank you to all the people working behind the scenes to make this event possible.  I'm sure it was a lot of work!  Know that I appreciated your efforts!

Thank you to What the Teacher Wants for the teacher blogger meet up.  That was huge fun!  I absolutely love the swag and the door prize I won!  You made me feel like I was part of something awesome!

Thank you to Crayola for donating the amazing door prize I won!  (see tomorrow's post for that story)

Thank you to the nice guy at the Venetian who helped us get a taxi at 3:30am to the airport.

Thank you to the nice guy in the yellow vest at the airport who helped us get to the RIGHT terminal at 3:45am.

Thank you to my amazing husband who put up with my panic attacks, my eccentricities, my schedule, and even came to the meet up with me and participated in the crazy meet-other-people-at-the-event activity.  He did whatever I needed him to do, whether carry my very girly tote bag up and down the strip or go to the restaurant I wanted or play goofy video slot machines with me.  Love you!!

TPT Blogger Meet up

View up the Vegas Strip

View of the Venetian

TPT Swag

Breakfast before the keynote speakers

Paul Edelman -- the amazing founder of TPT

Deanna Jump -- the most successful TPTer so far

I'll be posting more in the next several days about the conference and the great people I met.  Stay tuned!

PS -- did you post on your blog about the TPT conference?  Please share in the comments!  I'd love to hear about your experience!


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